- Samuel Blues & Miha Erič - Termostat? (2020)
- Karlo Lugarić - GuskeSedam godišnjih doba (2020) [Samozaložba]
- Nilüfer Yanya - “Sparkle” God Help MeMiss Universe (2019) [ATO]
- The Cradle - Poison MushroomThe Glare of Success (2019)
- Minoru Muraoka - Call MeSoul Bamboo (2019)
- Jackie Lynn - Traveler’s Code Of ConductJacqueline (2020) [Drag City]
- Olfamož - Agit Pop? (2020)
- fiji - the rain never stopspolagamo račune EP (2020) [ŠOP]
- Črn Škrat - Most na SlovenščiniDemo kraclji v l’ajvarju (2020) [ŠOP]
- Ex-Cert - AtemnotToo Much Future - Punkrock GDR 1980–1989 (2020) [Iron Curtain Radio]
- Lady Lynch - NoonLADY LYNCH (2018) [Cut Surface]
- Kavasutra - Globalno segrevanjeKlubski maraton 2020 (2020) [ZARŠ]
- Klotljudi - Zbog tebe? (2019)
- balans - ugankasam pravm (2020) [KAPA Records]
- Marie Davidson & L’Œil Nu - C’est parce que j’m’en fousRenegade Breakdown (2020) [Ninja Tune]
- Müholos - Trance With MüholosPsychosomnia (2020) [Freaksville]
- Blakk Harbor - Open BodyA Modern Dialect (2020) [Samozaložba]
- TizTiz - SerpensChilli Space 15 (2020) [ŠKUC]
- .čunfa - ColoursMissing The Point (2020) [rxtx]
- YNGFirefly x MITO - NesramnyMOŠPIT SAMBA (2020) [Samozaložba]
- Machinedrum - Spin Blocks (feat. Father)Spin Blocks (feat. Father) (2020)
- Blaž - Sushi (2020)
- Drone Emoji - Torque VectorIn The Room The Women Come And Go. Talking of Michelangelo (2020)
- Buraza x Simpl - SovaŽivali (2020) [Samozaložba]
- Hańba - RacyjeFor Belarus (2020) [Samozaložba]
- Run The Jewels - Holy CalamafuckRun The Jewels 4 (2020) [BMG]
- Murena Murena - Tribal GirlGhoaster Coaster (2013) [Echokammer]
- Deli Girls - AbortionI Don’t Know How to Be Happy (2019)
- Ammar 808 - DuryodhanaGlobal Control / Invasible Invasion (2020) [Glitterbeat]
- RSL - ElungeloTraveler ‘00 (2000) [Six Degrees]
- Bruch - The BroodThe Lottery (2016) [Cut Surface]
- Mile Me Deaf - Shibuya+Alien Age (2017) [Siluh]
- Marc Ribot’s Ceramic Dog - Oral Sidney With A “U”YRU Still Here? (2018) [Northern Spy]
- Shabazz Palaces - Ad VenturesThe Don Of Diamond Dreams (2020) [Sub Pop]
- PVA - TalksTalks (2020)
- kleemar - kolman’s music roomno love in modern world (2020)
- Zhlehtet - The Condition of TruthToyomi (2020) [Samozaložba]
- Morvern - Hachimitsu o Shiranai No?How Are You? (2020) [ŠOP]
- LELEE - Izvan sebeKlubski maraton 2020 (2020) [ZARŠ]
- The Flipper’s - Winchester CathedralDiscothèque (2020)
- Uršula Ramoveš in fantje z Jazbecove grape - Od MarijeHribovske Balade (2020) [Celinka]
- Sweeping Promises - TrustHunger for a Way Out (2020) [Feel It]
- ujma - spawn feat. Ajdova Deklicaspawn feat. Ajdova Deklica (2020) [ŠOP]
- uSSSy - Gnevnyye GlazaPo Krugu (2020) [Koolarrow]
- Helahirn - Khosh Gozaruni? (2020)
- Vizelj - Ne vidim te od dima? (2020)
- Mlekomen - Lulu kakuSounds From Slovenian Bedrooms III α (2020) [ŠOP Records]
- Bamao Yendé & Le Diouck - Okocha? (2020)
- SZCH, f šćekić - ownerscreams of honesty (2017)
- Skova - Rap Michelangelo? (2020)**
Playlist 26. 10. 2020, 11.00–15.00
On this page:
Programming is the art of telling another human being what one wants the computer to do.