Playlist 26. 5. 2020, 15.00–19.00

On this page:

  1. Octex - Stadtmitte Jam (U2-U6) (Every Sound Tells a Story, 2009, Samozaložba)
  2. RawLand - WSP (2017)
  3. Handle - Coagulate (In Threes, 2020, Absolute Fiction, Upset! The Rhythm, Maternal Voice)
  4. CS + Kreme - Tanka Riddim (Tanka Riddim / Crushed Cream, 2020)
  5. Playground Hustle - Tl;dr (Feat. Kandžija) (Igle, 2019)
  6. ONO - I Dream Of Sodomy (Red Summer, 2020, American Dreams)
  7. Michael Beharie And Teddy Rankin-Parker - Fake Money (A Heart From Your Shadow, 2018, Mondoj)
  8. Buraza - Opica Pleza
  9. Sightless Pit - Immersion Dispersal (Grave of a Dog, 2020, Thrill Jockey)
  10. Ifriqiyya Electrique - Mabbrooka (tak-til, 2019, Glitterbeat)
  11. African Head Charge - Pitched Fever (Churchical Chant Of The Iyabinghi, 2020, On-U Sound)
  12. Erlend Apneseth Trio With Frode Haltli - Takle (Salika, Molika, 2019, Hubro)
  13. Golden Ivy - Baby Blues (Kläppen, 2019, Malmö Inre)
  14. Trilok Gurtu - Indranella (God Is a Drummer, 2020, Jazzline)
  15. KOIKOI - Sutra (2019)
  16. Žiga Aljaž - To Je Naš Planet (2019)
  17. Automatic - Too Much Money (Peanut Butter Wolf Remix) (Too Much Money, 2020, Stones Throw Records)
  18. Cabaret Voltaire - Doom Zoom (Funky Alternatives Volume One & Two)
  19. Молчат Дома - Коммерсанты (Этажи, 2018, Detriti Records)
  20. Solo Ansamblis - Moteris
  21. Mrs. Mimi Magick - Untitled (The Electric Family - Mariopaint, 1995)
  22. LCY - 2020(In Order To Care (2020)
  23. Žiga Murko - M6 (Delta, 2019)
  24. Nightmares On Wax - 21st Kong (Join The Future: UK Bleep & Bass 1988-91, 2020, Cease & Desist)
  25. Smaal Tokk - Kriza srednjih let (Kriza srednjih let (2020)
  26. FLO - Five Stacks (2020)
  27. Čao Portorož - Cocks on the Rocks (POP!, 2020)
  28. Dogs in Kavala - Odgovor (Zubi, 2020)
  29. IDLES - Television (Live at Le Bataclan) (A Beautiful Thing: IDLES live at Le Bataclan, 2020)
  30. Old Time Relijun - We Start The Fire (2020)
  31. Šumski - Djedica (Ostrvo ledenog kita (2018)
  32. Bowrain ft. Kalu - Back To (the) Nature (2020)
  33. Brittany Howard - Stay High (Jaime, 2019, Columbia)
  34. Doringo - Rimska Salata (Gužva u Svemiru, 2020, Samozaložba)
  35. Sales De Baño - Primer Temblor Parte I (Geometría Del Vínculo, 2019)
  36. Bojan Krhlanko - Gridless part 1 (Circle Of Pax, 2020, Samozaložba)
  37. Kotra & Zavoloka - Moments Of Springroove (Wag The Swing, 2006, Kvintu)
  38. The Cradle - Poison Mushroom (The Glare of Success, 2019)
  39. Banteay Ampil Band - Follow The Front (Cambodian Liberation Songs, 2017, Akuphone)
  40. The Koreatown Oddity - Weed in LA (Weed in LA, 2020)
  41. Psypiritual & The Lasso - Cesar Llavez (Kirlian, 2020)
  42. Ranil - Albores De Mi Selva (Stay Safe & Sound Ranil Selection !!, Share It !!!, 2020) 😷


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Creativity can be a social contribution, but only in so far as society is free to use the results.

— Richard Stallman

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