1 - Resavoir - Intro (Resavoir, 2019) 2 - Elsa Waut - Red Soldier (Elsa Waut, 2019) 3 - Salami Rose Joe Louis - Confessions of the Metropolis Spaceship (Zdenka 2080, 2019) 4 - Yves Tumor - Limerence (When Man Fails You, 2019) 5 - Meitei - Nami (Komachi, 2019) 6 - Elsa Hewitt - Invisible Threads (Invisible Threads, 2019) 7 - Moon Diagrams, Deradoorian - Daisychain Meets Deradoorian (Trappy Bats, 2019) 8 - Jean Cohen-Solal - Captain tarthopom (Strain Crack & Break: Volume One (France), 2019) 9 - Khruangbin - With All The World (Hasta El Cielo, 2019) 10 - Slauson Malone - Closed Place, Open World (Closed Place, Open World, 2019) 11 - Fad Gadget - Saturday Night Special (The Best of Fad Gadget, 2019) 12 - Young Marco - Kalapa Garden (Bahasa, 2019) 13 - Tony or Tony - gGreenish (W.E.A.R. Tony, 2019) 14 - Georgia Anne Muldrow - Brokenfolks (VWETO II, 2019) 15 - Žudi Riga - birdman (We are Tulio Kobayashi., 2019) 16 - Tomaga, Pierre Bastien - Paper Ritual (Bandiera Di Carta, 2019) 17 - Borghesia - Spake Cake (20th Century - Selected Works, 2009) 18 - Cando - Sundown (Bleak / Sundown, 2019) 19 - Os Panteras - Melo Do Anjo (Outra Edit) (Esa Presents Amandla: Music to the People, 2019) 20 - The Bees - Hlabalaza (She’s a Witch (Tikoloshi), 1988) 21 - Pantaloons - Rince and Repeat (KM2019, 2019) 22 - Nesesari Kakalulu - Lonely Woman (Nesesari Kakalulu, 2018) 23 - Miriam Makeba - Yetentu Tizaleny (Pata Pata, 1967) 24 - Stirling March - Under Cover Lover (Under Cover Lover, 1986) 25 - Ahmedou Ahmed Lowla - Lestkal (Terrouzi, 2019) 26 - Širom - A Washed out Boy Taking Fossils from a Frog Sack (A Universe that Roasts Blossoms for a Horse, 2019) 27 - drone emoji - Drone Emoji (เป็นฟอนต์ที่ได้, 2018) 28 - Maral - oi (Mahur Club, 2019) 29 - Dan Friel - Auxiliaries (Fanfare, 2019) 30 - HIDE - SSSD (Hell Is Here, 2019) 31 - Boy Harsher - Electric (Country Girl Uncut, 2019) 32 - balans - k da ni nč (Sounds From Slovenian Bedrooms II, 2019) 33 - Throbbing Gristle - Six Six Sixties (Throbbing Gristle’s Greatest Hits (Remastered), 1981) 34 - Haiku Garden - Idle Abyss (Where If Not Now, 2018) 35 - Brgs - Lady Trap (Preslišano - kompilacija/compilation, 2019) 36 - Shari Vari - Overdose (NOW, 2019) 37 - 808 State - The Ludwig Question (The Ludwig Question, 2019) 38 - Klein - Claim It (Lifetime, 2019) 39 - Terranigma - Inna Moss Side (96’ Flex) (Booster Pack EP, 2019) 40 - Triad God - So Pay La (Triad, 2019) 41 - Shadowax - Nikolai Reptile (Николай Рептайл, 2019) 42 - Monokultur - dåliga nyheter (Monokultur, 2019) 43 - The Sea and Cake, Designer - Rinky-Dink O.S. Type Rip (Two Gentlemen, 2019) 44 - Larry Gus - Taped Hands Here (Taped Hands Here / Readers & Authors, 2019) 45 - Blaž - They Don’t Get It (rx:tx Gathering 2, 2019) 46 - Beastie Boys, Paul Nice - Hey Ladies - Paul Nice Remix (Hey Ladies (Remixes), 2019) 47 - Galcher Lustwerk - Cig Angel (Cig Angel, 2019)